The Experience - what to expect

A quick rundown on how the portrait experience works from start to finish in five simple steps

Step one

contact & book in

Once you've had a good look around the website and have made the decision that you would love to book a photography session please make contact via the following:


Ph: 0421 440 638

Contact form: Click here


Once online booking forms and fees have been received we secure a tentative date in our studio diary.

baby bloom photography brisbane

Step two

get planning

Once everything is booked in a detailed questionnaire will be emailed to you so I know what you expect to achieve from your session.


Not sure what to wear? I will also email you a styling guide to help you with ideas. We also have a studio wardrobe if you struggle to find something suitable and would like to borrow something.

Step three

Your photo shoot

On the day of the photo shoot the most important thing is to relax, be yourself and trust me to capture a varied photo collection that you will adore.




Step four

View, Select & Order

The exciting part!

Approximately one week after your photo shoot you will be invited back to the studio to view your fully edited gallery of images.


From here we will discuss how you would like to display your images and make your selections from your gallery.


Have a look at our Products & Pricing page and also Wall Art Displays for ideas on how you would like to display them in your home.

Step five

collect & Enjoy your art

Approximately four weeks after your session your products will be ready for collection and you will be able to enjoy them in your home for many years to come.


You will be happy that you decided to display your images rather then keeping them on a usb hidden in a draw!

Get in

Follow us on Instagram


Studio Address: 675 sherwood Rd, Sherwood, 4075

tel: 0421 440 638
